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Spring Cleaning Hints~

I'm a big clean freak and my number one rule is first and for most everything has to have it's own place so there for when you are done with something everything must be put back in it's place!

When your cleaning out closets, drawers, toys are etc...
I like to have three piles

1. keep it- (which pretty much goes back in it's spot)
2 throw away (broken, ripped, used undergarments- things of that nature that I do not want nor would someone else)
3 garage sale (if you like having garage sales or for those of you don't Good Will is another option)

One of my big rules is if I haven't used something with in the past three years then chances I won't use it so then off it goes to my garage sale pile.

One of my favorite things to "declutter" a room is have a bookcase with bins. It looks nice and hides the clutter of toys, books etc..